Congratulations on your journey thus far! I will be there in spirit - as would my dad, an addventurer who would have loved reading your posts- for the Minneapolis party welcoming you back! Good luck, paddle, eat, and restwell in the meantime.

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loved all your news. wish i could be there. at 90 years, don*t think that is possible. you are my evening entertainment. love you, gma margy

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What an accomplishment getting to Vicksburg - 81% of your voyage. It’s remarkable to hear about your days paddling 50+ miles in the hot sun. So good that you’re getting a fun, restoring day off!

Thanks for sharing your incredible journey with us!

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Right on brother! Whoo whoop!

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Wow, what a journey so far, and such great footage! I’m really curious, how did the tow boat captain know how to get photos to you?

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I relayed my info to him over the radio! Now he subscribes to the blog too!

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Im so amazed of your fortitude of this journey. Im a native of Vicksburg and was taught to fear the river as a kid. I have learned to respect her, appreciate her and love her as an adult. I came across your blog through a post on Facebook maybe was LL. Anyway, your style of writing got me hooked and i read all of it in two evenings. Btw my favorite thing in the world is mudlarking on the sandbars. I get a child like joy! My favorite things are broken bits of china sand polished on the edges. From an old steamboat or the great flood maybe just a trash dump that washed in the river many years ago. You never know what the river will spit out! People do a lot of assumptions of the river. That theres only muddy banks. Im so glad you are showing them that white sandy beaches are everywhere! One of my favorite natural phenomenons is when the river bank dries up (especially at Delta Point) first the mud curls up as it dries in a thin layer on too of the sand, then the wind breaks it up and blows away. The pristine sand is then left with beautiful patterns with divots swirls as pools. And when the wind blows where the sand is dry it seems like there is actual glitter mixed in with sand as it sparkles in the sun. Its just so Heavenly. Bless you on your journeys

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